Salt Capsules Caffeinated
Salt Capsules Caffeinated
Salt Capsules Caffeinated
Salt Capsules Caffeinated
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Electrolyte Replacement

Salt Capsules Caffeinated

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Adults take 1 or 2 capsules. Take 1 capsule per hour with sufficient water. During extreme conditions, you may take 2 capsules per hour.

Nutrition Facts

Certificate of Analysis

Product Information

Unived’s Caffeinated Salt Capsules are electrolyte capsules formulated to serve as electrolyte replacements to replenish the lost electrolytes through sweat and urine that are inevitable during endurance activities lasting more than 3 hours, especially in Indian weather conditions.

Caffeinated Salt Capsules contain electrolytes in the right proportion and in a highly bioavailable form that ensures that your system is instantaneously compensated for the loss of vital electrolytes, without experiencing spikes and drops in performance levels due to issues like muscle cramping, dehydration, stomach distress, and fatigue. They also shield your body against lasting physiological upheavals caused, by delivering adequate levels of nutrition that support optimal performance and complete system recovery.

Caffeinated Salt Capsule gives you a formulation that goes the extra mile – just like you. In addition to the crucial electrolytes like Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, and Magnesium, salt capsules come enhanced with Vitamin D3 to sustain optimal bone health and immune function and Caffeine for enhanced alertness – a first in India. Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules complement your hydration source (water/sports drink) perfectly in keeping hydration imbalances at bay. With the Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules, you get a timely replenishment of electrolytes, bone health support, and enhanced alertness during intense endurance activities like ultra-marathons, brevets, and triathlons.

Key Benefits

  • Replenishes electrolytes loss and provides instant rehydration.
  • Balance fluid-electrolyte imbalances.
  • Prevent hyponatremia (low sodium).
  • Fights muscle fatigue, cramps, and weakness.
  • Bone health support.
  • Enhanced alertness.
  • Excellent addition to the overall fuelling strategy.

Ingredient Information

  • Chloride - 353mg
  • Sodium - 214mg
  • Potassium - 52mg
  • Magnesium - 79mg
  • Anhydrous Caffeine - 30mg
  • Vitamin D3 - 100 I.U.

Electrolytes are an indispensable part of the fuelling mechanism of your body, especially during high-endurance activities. Electrolytes mediate the transport of nutrients, enzymes, and fluids in and out of our cells. Common performance issues during endurance activities like muscle cramping, stomach distress, hydration imbalances, and weakness are often linked to rapid electrolyte loss due to sweating and weather conditions [1]. Undoubtedly, electrolytes are the bedrock of performance, especially during physical activities exceeding 3 hours.

Your body’s hydration status and electrolyte balance are closely linked, as the transport of electrolytes in and out of cells are carried out in a fluid medium. This means that if you are dehydrated or over-hydrated. It has an effect on the electrolyte balance of your body, which in turn has a cascading effect on your performance. [1]

The ‘sweat rate’ factor

Endurance performance is greatly compromised in warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels. To dissipate heat from the body to the environment, the blood flow to your skin increases. A greater supply of blood to your skin results in more sweating, which helps to bring down your core temperature. However, since electrolytes are transported through the body’s fluid, a large proportion of the electrolytes are also expelled along with sweat [2].

The amount and proportion in which various electrolytes are lost depend on your ‘sweat rate, which is the amount of sweat you lose during an endurance activity. Sweat rates vary wildly on an individual basis, depending on the athlete’s physiology, and the temperature and humidity levels. Knowing your sweat rate is important for understanding how your body responds to heat and humidity, and the rate at which you will dehydrate and lose electrolytes. This will help you test out an electrolyte plan and fueling strategy during training itself, to give the body the chance to acclimate to it before an important event.

Dehydration: Symptoms to watch out for:

  • Dark Urine
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dry “cottony” mouth


1. Sports and the ultra-endurance athlete. SportsMed Web.

2. Speedy, Dale B., et al. "Oral salt supplementation during ultradistance exercise." Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 12.5 (2002): 279-284.

214mg sodium, 353mg chloride, 52mg potassium, and 79mg magnesium along with 100 I.U. Vitamin D3 (derived from a plant source - lichens) and 30mg Caffeine.

With sodium, potassium, and magnesium, Unived Salt Capsules put your body on the right foot to fight dehydration, hyponatremia, muscle fatigue, cramps, and weakness. Unived Salt Capsules are India’s only electrolyte capsules to offer chloride and vitamin D3 along with all the essential electrolytes to ultra-athletes in one formulation. As a key electrolyte, chloride complements sodium to maintain adequate in one formulation. As a key electrolyte, chloride complements sodium to maintain adequate fluid uptake and body-water balance. Vitamin D3 minimizes the risk of injuries by optimizing bone health and protects the immune system from becoming vulnerable post-exercise. Caffeine is a natural ergogenic athletic performance booster [1]. Consuming caffeine during endurance sports like running and cycling [2] increases performance by increasing blood flow to the heart and muscles, while also enhancing mental focus.

The Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules ensure that your overall system has a positive and synergistic balance of electrolytes and fluids throughout your activity and also help you stay in fighting fit shape to recover faster, steer clear of injuries, and get back into the next training cycle feeling as ready as ever.

Mode of action:

Electrolytes: For re-hydration

a. Sodium:

  • Sodium works closely with Chloride and redirects precious fluids to the cells and tissues
  • Prevents ‘gut bomb’ effect (vomiting during races)
  • Prevents hyponatremia (nausea, fatigue, and confusion)

b. Chloride:

  • Regulates the body-water balance and helps to retain water.
  • Limits the loss of hydration reserves lost to sweat and urine.
  • Maintains the necessary volume of fluids in the blood.

c. Magnesium:

  • Proper transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Helps muscular contraction and energy production.

d. Potassium:

  • Works closely with sodium and chloride in maintaining hydration.
  • Helps in generating nerve impulses in the nerves and muscles.
  • Enhances performance.

Vitamin D3: For Recovery

Vitamin D3 has also been found to be effective in regulating electrolyte metabolism and contributes towards attaining euhydration (state of optimal total body water content as regulated by the brain) – a state where the body is in an optimal state of hydration during exercise. Vitamin D3 is also an important factor in promoting protein synthesis after exercise, which assists in faster muscle recovery and rebuilding [3].

Caffeine: A natural ergogenic booster

Due to caffeine’s lipid solubility, it crosses the blood-brain barrier without difficulty making the central nervous system (CNS) one of the primary sites of action. Its antagonist action on adenosine during extended exhaustive exercise has demonstrated its effect on increasing alertness and cognitive function while decreasing fatigue.


1. Sports and the ultra-endurance athlete. SportsMed Web.

2. Speedy, Dale B., et al. "Oral salt supplementation during ultradistance exercise." Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 12.5 (2002): 279-284.

3. Hyponatremia and Exercise. Part 2 – Mechanisms.

4. Sanders, B., T. D. Noakes, and S. C. Dennis. "Sodium replacement and fluid shifts during prolonged exercise in humans." European journal of applied physiology 84.5 (2001): 419-425.

5. Zorbas, Yan G., et al. "Potassium loading effect on potassium balance in athletes during prolonged restriction of muscular activity." Biological trace element research 70.1 (1999): 1-19.

What is the suggested use of Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules?

The intake of electrolytes depends a great deal on your sweat rate and the external weather conditions during your endurance activity. However, below is a general guideline to help you customize your electrolyte fuelling plan with electrolyte salt capsules: Sweat rate: Light - 1 capsule/2 hour Sweat rate: Moderate - 1 capsule/hour Sweat rate: Heavy - 2 capsules/hour Light: very little sweat (think working out in an air-conditioned gym) Moderate: a decent amount of sweat (think of the amount you sweat during an easy training run) Heavy: you are sweating! (during LSD training runs, faster runs, and races) Most athletes in India fall under the moderate-heavy category.

How to consume salt capsules?

Consume just enough water needed to swallow the electrolyte capsules (approximately 50 ml). The rest of your hydration should come from your sports drink, in accordance with your fuelling plan. As a general guideline for your electrolyte plan and fuelling strategy, we recommend that you determine what your sweat rate is during normal weather conditions. You should also test out your electrolyte plan during training, so you can adapt it to your sweat rate and physiology, and give your system time to acclimate to your overall fuelling strategy. Needless to say, every athlete sweats differently and reacts uniquely to heat and humidity. You should tailor your intake of Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules according to your sweat rate and the temperature conditions during your activity. Again, we recommend that you consume the capsules when training in similar conditions, to get the best out of the Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules. Please note that the Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules are not intended to be consumed as your primary source of race fuelling or hydration. While the Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules are excellent for electrolyte, and vitamin D3 replenishment – you still need an adequate intake of water and fuelling nutrients like carbohydrates during your activity. Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules should be a part of an overall fuelling strategy, along with water and a suitable sports drink or gel.

My sports drink has electrolytes. Why do I need to take an electrolyte balance?

Average sports drink only provide electrolytes for a short duration. Further, your gut has a limited capacity for water. Constant intake of large quantities of sports drink over the course of several hours may cause excessive fluid retention – over and above what your system can effectively process and use. This can result in an uncomfortable “sloshing” effect in your stomach, which can be a source of nausea and stomach distress. Electrolyte capsules like Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules are formulated specifically to deliver essential electrolytes to you in a form that your body can easily absorb, and in proportions that will meet your electrolyte losses, without overloading your system with excessive electrolytes and fluid. Unived Salt Caffeinated Capsules seamlessly compensate for your electrolyte losses over the course of a gruelling endurance activity. We recommend that you use the Unived Salt Capsules in conjunction with our hydration and endurance sports drink as a part of an overall fuelling strategy.

What is the suggested maximum intake of Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules per day?

The suggested limit is 10 electrolyte capsules per day. However, the intensity, duration, and/or heat associated with a particular activity may warrant additional intake. Moreover, each athlete possesses unique personal and biological requirements for optimum electrolyte replacement. It is also suggested to consult your doctor before exceeding the recommended dosage.

How much water should I consume with the Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules?

You should aim to drink just enough water to swallow the electrolyte capsules (approximately 50ml). Apart from that, the strategy should be to keep yourself hydrated with a sports drink, as per your fuelling plan.

Why can’t I just add salt to my sports drink?

As part of our diet, table salt (Sodium Chloride) is our primary source of sodium in our everyday lives. During sweating, endurance athletes not only lose sodium, but other essential nutrients like chloride, magnesium, and potassium. The physiology of the vital electrolytes is interconnected. A spike in the levels of sodium alone is detrimental to your system and performance. Unived Caffeinated Electrolyte Salt Capsules offer balanced and proportional replenishment of all major electrolytes.¬

I am on a sodium-restricted diet. Can I safely consume salt capsules?

If you are on a sodium-restricted diet, we recommend you consult your physician before consuming Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules.

Do the Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules contain any banned substances?

Unived Caffeinated Salt Capsules are formulated in accordance with WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) guidelines and do not contain any banned substances. However, please note that WADA does not offer any confirmation written or otherwise, of the same.

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Caffeinated salt capsule

Very effective. 👍🏼👍🏼

Sanjay Walke
Salt caffeine tab

i take in my long run, now I don't feel muscle cramps.

Unived Caffeinated Salt Caps and Elite Gels

We thank you for an excellent product of Unived Elite Gels and Caffeinated salt capsules. We were able to see improvement in the Swimming Practice session.

Arvinder Singh

Unived Caffeinated Salt Caps

Excellent products

Salt capsule and Elite gel are excellent products, wrok well and have scientific approach to an athlete's body needs when we are using our body resources fast,,,,these products so help in replinishing the important minerals and calories

User Stories

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Expert Stories

Electrolyte Replacement

Salt Capsules Caffeinated

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Adults take 1 or 2 capsules. Take 1 capsule per hour with sufficient water. During extreme conditions, you may take 2 capsules per hour.